Madlener R. (2019). Zunehmende Ungleichheiten bei Einkommen und Energiekonsum in der Energiewende. Plenary talk at the 11th Internationale Energiewirtschaftstagung IEWT, 13-15 February 2019, Vienna (AT).
Madlener R. (2019). Energy Prosumage, Energy Poverty, and Energy Justice. Plenary talk at the 16th International Association for Energy Economics European Conference, 25-28 August 2019, Ljubljana (SLO).
Seebauer, S. (2019). Balancing climate and social housing policies. Presentation at Joanneum Research Zukunftskonferenz, 13 March 2019, Graz (AT).
Friesenecker, M. (2019). Coordinating climate and social housing policies to alleviate energy poverty: An analysis of targets and instruments in Austria. Paper presentation at Engager (COST) workshop on socio-ecological justice, 13-17 March 2019, Erfurt (DE).
Seebauer, S., Eisner, A., Friesenecker, M., Eisfeld, K., Kazepov, Y. (2019). Balancing climate and social housing policies in the transformation to a low carbon society: Designing integrated policy mixes for Austria. Poster presentation at the 20th Austrian Climate Day, 25-26 April 2019, Vienna (AT). Proceedings pp. 96-97.
Kazepov, Y., Friesenecker, M., Eisfeld, K. (2019). Équilibrer le climat et les politiques de logement social: concevoir un ensemble de politiques intégrées pour l’Autriche. Presentation at Colloque Innovation et territoires face aux inégalité, 22-25 May 2019, Rimouski (CAN).
Eisfeld, K. (2019). Balancing climate and social housing policy to alleviate energy poverty. Paper presentation at European Network for Housing Research: Housing for the next European Social Model, 27-30 August 2019, Athens (GR).
Eisfeld, K., Kranzl, L., Seebauer, S., Müller, A., Leubolt, B. (2019). Solutions for decarbonising housing in specific target groups of residents and buildings. Workshop at the 3rd Conference SSPCR Smart and Sustainable Planning for Cities and Regions, 9-13 December 2019, Bozen (IT).
Eisfeld, K. (2019). Just retrofitting!?! The interrelation of energy justice and retrofit in social housing. Presentation at the 3rd Conference SSPCR Smart and Sustainable Planning for Cities and Regions, 9-13 December 2019, Bozen.
Seebauer, S. (2020). Procedural justice in retrofitting low-income housing. Presentation at REScoop European federation of citizen energy cooperatives, 29 May 2020, online.
Eisfeld, K., Friesenecker, M., Kulmer, V., Mocca, E., Seebauer, S. (2020). Behaviour change and system change in the housing sector. Workshop at the Degrowth Vienna – Strategies for Social-Ecological Transformation, 31 May 2020, online.
Schipfer, F., Seebauer, S., Kranzl, L., Leubolt, B., Eisfeld, K., Kulmer, V., Smet, K. (2020). Workshop Leistbares und nachhaltiges Wohnen. Gemeinsamer Stakeholder-Workshop der ACRP-Projekte Decarb_Inclusive und BALANCE, 10 June 2020, online.
Friesenecker, M. (2020). Recent trends in Vienna’s social housing approach: Fostering environmentally ‘just’ modes of living? ResearchLab New Social Housing, 7-8 September 2020, online.
Kulmer V. (2021). CO2-Besteuerung: Energie als Drehpunkt der Klimapolitik. 11. Klimaforum Steiermark: EU-Klimaziel: – 55% auf regionaler und lokaler Ebene, 1 March 2021, online.
Eisner, A. (2021). The impacts of carbon taxation on household energy consumption, welfare and inequality in Austria. 21st Austrian Climate Day, 12-13 April 2021, online
Eisner, A., Kulmer, V., Kortschak, D. (2021). Distributional effects of carbon pricing when considering household heterogeneity: An EASI application for Austria. International Energy Workshop (IEW), 14-17 June 2021, Freiburg
Eisner, A., Kulmer, V., Kortschak, D. (2020). Impacts of energy and carbon taxation on household energy consumption, welfare and inequality in Austria. International Conference on Economic Modeling and Data Science (EcoMod2021), 7-9 July 2021, Milano.
Kulmer V. zu den sozialen Auswirkungen ökologischer Steuermaßnahmen, FM4 Klimatalks, 18 Sept 2020.
Schmitz, H., Madlener, R. (2021). Preferences for Energy Retrofit Investments among Low Income Renters. 12. Internationale Energiewirtschaftstagung an der TU Wien (IEWT), 8-10 September 2021, Vienna/online.